World Poetry Day 2013
Hello Bigjiggers,
Some of you may, and some of your may not know that Thursday 21st March 2013 is world poetry day. We thought that we would share some of our favourite poems from the staff in the office. Enjoy!
My Cousin Fred by Gareth Lancaster
He came, he saw, he trashed my room,
He pushed, he shoved, he broke a broom!
He sniffed, he snarled, I stood stock still,
He biffed, he bashed, my drink did spill!
He mumbled, he grumbled, he kicked my door,
He grunted, he groaned, he stamped on the floor!
He's evil, he's mean, but I like him this way,
It's funny when my cousin Fred comes to stay!
He's trouble, he's bad, but it works out for me,
His thrashing and bashing just fills me with glee!
As my mum and dad think that Fred's the bad egg,
So I can be naughty and blame him instead!
Food Fight by Ken Nesbitt
We'd never seen the teachers
in a state of such distress.
The principal was yelling
that the lunchroom was a mess.
It started off so innocent
when someone threw a bun,
but all the other kids decided
they should join the fun.
It instantly turned into
an enormous lunchroom feud,
as students started hurling
all their halfway-eaten food.
A glob went whizzing through the air,
impacting on the wall.
Another chunk went sailing out
the doorway to the hall.
The food was splattered everywhere
the ceilings, walls, and doors.
A sloppy, gloppy mess was on
the tables and the floors.
And so our good custodian
ran out to grab his mop.
It took him half the afternoon
to clean up all the slop.
The teachers even used some words
we're not supposed to mention.
And that's how all the kids and teachers
wound up in detention.
I A'int Been to School by Robert Pottle
I ain't been to school,
not never before.
That's all changin' now
as I run through the door.
I drool on my worksheet
then chew on a book.
I eat off the floor
and growl at the cook.
I drink from the toilet.
I spill all the glue.
I lick my new teacher
and leak on her shoe.
The principal says that
I broke every rule.
I just learnt the reason
dogs can't go to school.
Attack of the Vegetables by Gareth Lancaster
Clouted by sprouts,
And harassed by carrots!
Poked by the beans,
And screamed at by salad!
Poisoned by cabbage,
And pinched by the peas!
Tripped by the spinach,
And peppered with seeds!
Hair pulled by parsnip,
And bruised by tomato!
Glared at by swede,
And thumped by potato!
Battered by beetroot,
That pinch, punch and poke!
Slapped by the onions,
And Arti, who chokes!
We hope that you and your little ones enjoy these as much as we did :-)