Sand & water play enables hands-on learning & can be easily linked to the school curriculum
You Don't have to be on the beach to reap the benefits of playing with sand and water. Get out in the garden and play in the sand, water, or if you're brave mud! These natural resources provide great opportunities for sensory play, essential for healthy child development.

All that digging, scooping, sifting, pouring, building and cleaning up takes a lot of energy. Sand and water play is a fun way to develop children's larger muscles and gross motor skills. Adding play accessories such as trowels, rakes or toy boats will also promote children's hand-eye coordination and allow them to practise their fine motor skills.
Sand and water play is particularly beneficial for developing a sense of textures. Not only is sand a new and different texture for children to feel on their skin, but the contrast it creates with concrete, grass, mud, and wood will emphasize the sensation of each surface. Don't be afraid to get messy and a little bit muddy! Let the little ones enjoy their play without worrying about their clothes! Be prepared, put them in their old clothes and if you still can't cope with the mess using an apron and gloves is a good idea too!
Shop our garden range here...

Building sandcastles, mud pies and splish-splashing in the water helps ignite a little one's imagination and they can get lost on imaginary adventures whilst making memories in the great outdoors. Creative play improves children's ability to understand new concepts and enables them to connect with their environment. During role play with their friends, they will develop social skills and emotional understanding.

Keep it good and green. Our Green Toys are made from 100% recycled plastic milk bottles. The toys are great for getting stuck in the mud, sand, and water because they can be hosed down, dipped in a bucket of water or even put through the dishwasher to get them clean again ready for playtime indoors or bath time!
Read our Bath Toys blog here